Paper Mache Planets Tutorial

Paper Mache Planets Tutorial

Create paper mache planets that are out of this world! This fun and educational project comes together with Elmer’s Washable School Glue. Teachers can incorporate this craft into their lessons about the planets and the solar system.

supplies needed

  • Elmer’s Washable School Glue™
  • Tempera Paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Balloons
  • Newspaper
  • Medium-sized bowl
  • Construction Paper


  • Have students research each of the eight planets in the solar system—Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupitar, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Ask students to use note cards to record the information that they discover. On the front of the cards, have students list interesting facts about the planets.
  • Are students familiar with the term dwarf planet? If not, explain it to them. In August of 2006, the International Union (IAU) re-categorized Pluto as a dwarf planet. A dwarf planet is a celestial body that 1) orbits around the Sun 2) has a nearly round shape 3) has not cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit and 4) is not a satellite. There are currently four dwarf planets. Have students research and identify each one.
  • Talk about how distance and measurements in space are gigantic. Compare the different diameters and masses of the planets. Discuss the planets’ distances from the Sun. Use the large measurements as an opportunity to talk about exponents as a shortened way to show numbers.
  • Remembering the order of the planets from the Sun can be difficult. Encourage students to create a poem to help them remember the order. For example, Many Very Entertaining Monkeys Just Sat Under Noodles.



  1. Cover a flat surface with newspaper.
  2. Mix about 1/4 cup of glue and a small amount of water in a medium-sized bowl. The mixture should be runny.
  3. Tear the newspaper into small strips.
  4. Blow up several round balloons.
  5. Dip the strips of newspaper into the glue mixture. Cover each balloon entirely with wet strips. Smooth out any bumps or bubbles with your fingers. Allow the balloons to dry overnight.


  1. Decorate the balloons to look like your favourite planets.
  2. Add rings to the planets with construction paper and glue.
  3. Let the paint and the glue dry completely.
  4. Display your planets for everyone to see!

Time-Saving Hints:

  • Place a blown-up balloon—tied end down—in a small bowl. The bowl will hold the balloon steady while you work.
  • After dipping each strip of newspaper into the glue mixture, run it between two of your fingers to remove the excess mixture.